Rebs Knows Jack About a Free Meal

Rebs Knows Jack About a Free Meal

Grandson Jack, me sweet little sugar cookie, has progressed to the high chair and started a lifetime of culinary adventures. Yogurt, pureed peaches and oatmeal are all the current rage in the onesie set.

Now you may be wondering why I’m making such a fuss over something every baby does but this has nothing to do with Jack. This has to do with his faithful sidekick Rebel, aka Rebs, a black lab mix. Rebs has three daily goals. Annoy the cats. Sleep And eat.

Rebs and Jack between meals

So what does this have to do with Jack? Ever been around a baby learning to eat off a spoon? More ends up on the baby’s chin, bib and other body parts then down the gullet. There’s a lot of consumable food waiting to be cleaned away. Damp washcloth? Oh contraire.

Let the big dog eat!

2018-08-15 - Copy
Rebs & Jack between meals

How do I know that Rebs will eat what Jack doesn’t? What if they feed the baby something the dog doesn’t like. Ah, bubby, you ask foolish. Rebs has an appetite for the ages. She has eaten the following items, none of which ever appeared in her dinner bowl:

  • The plastic soap dispenser, full, in the bathroom
  • The replacement plastic soap dispenser
  • A Christmas ornament
  • A City of Bloomington garbage truck (according to a pending lawsuit)

Rebs makes that guy on Man v Food look like a dithering nancy boy. Don’t put a 10-lb. burger in front of Rebs and call it a challenge. That wouldn’t even keep the dog busy during a yawn. She could humble the entire field in Nathan’s annual hotdog-eating contest and still have room for dessert.

If there was ever really an asteroid headed toward earth like in Armageddon they could save us all by carpet-bombing it with gravy and peanut butter, then send Rebs. That flying space refuse would be in the dog’s belly faster than you can say “toadstool”. And he’d be home an hour before dinner, tail wagging and appetite as sharp as can be.

And what baby has not discovered the joy of throwing food on the floor and watching the dog vacuum it like a jacked-up Dyson. I can tell you right now that dog is biding his time until he can con the kid into slipping him goodies off his dinner plate.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

What doesn’t kill me had it’s chance — JimboKnows


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